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 Places of Interest


This is a fertile area that is eminently industrial and agricultural, well known for its red rust coloured earth. This town treasures a beautiful history, since in 1953 many young men accompanied Fidel Castro on the assault on the Moncada Garrison (Cuartel Moncada), in Santiago de Cuba. It is a good idea to visit the solemn mausoleum built in honour of the region’s sons, who gave their lives in th... For more information...

The deeply rooted traditions of the town closest to the capital’s international airport José Martí, come alive during the last days of the year. Then the “charangueros”, divided into two bands, establish a friendly competition carrying out the most varied activities atop their carriages. The final show takes place in the old church plaza and starts very early from the headquarters of each band, wh... For more information...

The home of one of the founders of the first Communist Party of Cuba, has been turned into a museum and is located in the municipality of Guanajay, in the westward section of the province of La Habana. Carlos Baliño was born on February 13th of 1848, and together with José Martí, he created the Cuban Revolutionary Party. The building, which has resisted the years, dates from the first half... For more information...

The ruins of the colonial sugar mill of La Alejandría are found to the south of the province of La Habana, in the municipality of Güines, less than three kilometres by the road that leads to the beach of El Rosario. The place was declared a National Monument on December 31st of 1981 and it includes the remains of the aqueduct, the machinery and the house of the ancient sugar mill of La Alejan... For more information...

Located only 25 kilometres from the capital is a beach protected by the coral reefs and which is a favourite among scuba divers. The Blue Reef Diving Centre offers beginners night courses, that allow visitors to discover the mysteries of the deep in the moonlight. As part of the attractions and quite near the hotel complex is an official track for practicing carting, equipped with stands an... For more information...

It originated as a province in 1975 with a surface area of 5 731 square kilometres and more than 700 000 inhabitants. Among its main tourist attractions are the well-known Jaruco Stairs (Escaleras de Jaruco), located in the municipality of the same name, a unique landscape product of the same topography, where the existence of rocky outcroppings and caverns make it the ideal scenario for adven... For more information...

Located in an attractive area of the Bauta municipality, it is one of the most venerated spots in the province of La Habana, adjacent to the capital. This is where Lieutenant General of the Liberating Army (Ejército Libertador) Antonio Maceo and his assistant, Captain Panchito Gómez Toro, fell in combat; a painful event that happened on December 7th of 1896. The complex encompasses an ar... For more information...

A suggestive mausoleum dedicated to an internationalist soviet soldier, it was opened in Cuba on February 23rd of 1978 with the idea of honouring those fallen during the help offered to the Revolutionary Armed Forces. It is located to one side of the national highway that unites the capital with the town of San Antonio de los Baños. The sober and stern shape of the monument contrasts with t... For more information...

Ruins of Angerona Coffee Plantation, Cienfuegos
This Cuban National Monument is less than five kilometres from the road that leads to the town of Artemisa, 60 kilometres west of the capital, to the neighbourhood of Cayajabos. These ruins that are a quaint reminder of the period of slavery, rise up out of the environment dominated by dense foliage. The legend surrounding a love story that took place here in the year of 1822 is the main theme... For more information...

This region is home to the International Humour Festival (Bienal Internacional del Humor), exhibiting pieces from the first known caricature of the country to the modern works of today. This is the seat of the International Cinema School (Escuela Internacional de Cine), an institution visited by many outstanding personalities such as the Nobel Prize Gabriel García Márquez. It is the main c... For more information...


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...Extraordinary Sportsmen. Why are Cubans such talented athletes? How many gold medals have been won? How do they train? Local sports results. Sport is Cuba's national passion, baseball is the favourite. Take a look inside Cuba's sports scene...

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...Since the introduction of the # 77 foreign investment law in 1995, Cuba has become an excellent foreign investment venue. Real estate, Tourism, Hotels, manufacturing and many other sectores. Our onsite team can walk you through every aspect of an investment, from the dream to reality...

...Cuban culture, what makes the Cubans 'tick'? Racial mixes, music, art, cultures by region, food, local drinks and much more. Find out about celebrities and how they came to be.

...If you are single or a couple, you need not feel alone in Cuba. This site specifically focuses upon those people who need "a friend onsite". Take a look at the individual activities, single room rates, best "sole traveler" prices, excitement and fun. Our onsite team will "make it happen". 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

..Advice. It's free and current on this site, don't travel without printing these pages! You may not need a tour guide, when you have read these pages. Every morcel of 'advice' from various sources. Interactive questions answered immediately...

…We do our best to provide you with the most precise and updated information about Cuba. We have a diversity of topics, images, simplified search, and new pages devoted to online sales for tourists and business persons interested in investing on the island.
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